Tuesday 27 August 2013


Judy Blume.

This Judy Blume book is the book I am reading for reading right now I am on chapter four going on to chapter five.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

An Afternoon With Uncle James.

On Tuesday Afternoon we did a cartoon pictures of our self and this is what I did to show my cartoon person of me I really like my hair next time I can try harder on my mouth and I could add more detail to my mouth like  teeth to it I really appreciate what you have done and how you taught room 5 how to draw cartoon characters of ourselves.Thank you very much Uncle James for teaching us how to draw cartoon pictures of ourselves.

Term Three Goals.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Spelling Game.

I have been practicing my Spelling Activities for this term so when I do the spelling test I can move a a level. 

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Haiku Poem.

How to build your own Castle

How to build your own castle. The first thing to do is find a flat surface to build your castle. Next think about what type of brick to use either stone, cinder brick, brickwork. After that get a piece of paper to plan your castle. Have a lot of detail on your draft. Then start building your castle exactly how you planned it. I wonder who invented castles? How are castles defended?