Looking at a scary house on halloween makes me scared because the trees looking like they have arms and legs and they are gonna catch you when you knock on the doors and say trick or treat.
Paint vanishing every second you look somewhere else. “Is it haunted did someone die in there”?. As is walk on the grass I can see insects crawling on my leg tickling my feet as it makes me dance.
The lights going on and off on and off as it is likely to blow. Windows opening and shutting as it is going to smash. I can hear the clock ticking as I keep walking towards the door.
As I step onto the stairs I can hear a crackling noise from down the bottom. Step by step I take as I am walking up the stairs. I get to the door I see a bell so off I went to ring it DING DONG no one answers.
So I ring it again DING DONG an old scary man is walking towards the door so I take a step back just for safety the old scary man answers the door and said “ what do you want” I said with a frighten voice
“Trick or Treat” he ignore me so I tried again “ Trick or Treat he heard me but he did not do anything so he just slammed the door and went back inside I thought to myself what a mean and silly old man.
I kicked the door and said “ You silly mean old man”. I did not know that I had made him angry so he came out of his house and said to me “Get lost you silly child”