Water Bottle Rocket, BIG REVEAL EXPERIMENT. T4 W1
Baking Soda and Vinegar Experiment.
Today Khorus, Patosina and I have made a presentation based on a experiment our class has done.It involves Baking Soda, Vinegar etc......Above the text writing is some information about the experiment and pictures.Hope your enjoy knowing what happens when mixing Baking Soda and Vinegar together.
I like how you all worked together to put this DLO together. I like the way you reflected on the outcome of this experiment.
A reminder that when you make a hypothesis it may be best not to investigate the answer before the experiment otherwise it defeats the purpose of doing the experiment. If you do do that then you might like to change the experiment question. You can investigate and research the materials and chemicals used for the experiment before doing. The whole purpose of doing a science experiment like this is for you to find out the answer yourself during the experiment process.
I would like you to elaborate in more detail on the conclusion of this experiment which will require more research.
What is the scientific explanation for this experiment?
What made the water bottle fly?
What happened to the air inside the bottle once the vinegar and baking soda is mixed together?
Think about the questions above and try your best to answer them.
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