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Grandfathers Story.
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Today we had a whole school duffy assembly.We had 2 special guest visit Tamaki Primary.
Cory, Joshua. They were both brothers.Joshua had told us a story about his grandfather. Su'a, Joshua did said a poem that he had written 3 years ago and this was his 351th time he had said it.After he had told us his poem we gave out duffy books. Sadly I was not one of them but both my friends did.At the end of the duffy assembly we had the chance to ask them a few questions. Like When did you start writing the poem? His answer was "about 3 years ago when he was 17", How long did you write the poem? he said "about an hour", How old were you when you started writing poetry?He said "when he was 10, his first poem was about his crocky and husky voice.
Fantastic Quitah
This is Amazing It inspires me to not listen and take in any put downs.
I'm sure that you had fun at the duffy assembly.tThe questions are really thoughtful.Keep the amazing,Postive work up!!
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