This is a presentation about myself reflection on EOTC week if you do not know what EOTC week means it means Education Outside The Classroom.Hope you enjoy reading my reflection on EOTC Week.
I am a Year 8 student at Tamaki Primary School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Kia Manawanui syndicate and my teachers are Ms Aireen and Whaea Petra.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
End Of Year Reflection - 2015
End Of Year Reflection Above is a End Of Year reflection about my year here at TPS ( Tamaki Primary School ). In this Google Drawing is 2 key highlights that stood out for me this year.Hope you enjoy reading my to highlights. |
Friday, 23 October 2015
Understanding ,Night And Day, T4 W2
The is another google drawing based on keywords, the key words are in white on the left hand side.
KWL Chart - Topic The Sun
This a KWL chart about the sun if you don't know what KWL means, it means What we KNOW, What WE want to know, What we LEARNT.
The Sun, Note Taking Task, T4 W2.
This Google Drawing is about The Sun and little information about it.By reading this you may find more interesting things about the sun.
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Kiwi Sport Snag Golf, T4 W1.
This is a small Google Drawing based on our Kiwi Sport Snag Golf above is a short Paragraph about our session with our instructor Huge ( Silent G ).And a few images to support the paragraph.Click Here to view a video about our session
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Niue Language Week, T4 W1
Today we have been told to create a DLO based on Niuean week.
I have been learning more about Niue one fact I will share to you is did you know there is more niueans living in New Zealand than Niue.
NZ Shakeout Day.T4 W1
This presentation is based on a New Zealand Shakeout day happening on October 15th 2015 9:15am
Read through this presentation and you will know how to survive a earthquake and some tips.
Monday, 12 October 2015
Water Bottle Rocket, BIG REVEAL EXPERIMENT. T4 W1
Baking Soda and Vinegar Experiment.
Today Khorus, Patosina and I have made a presentation based on a experiment our class has done.It involves Baking Soda, Vinegar etc......Above the text writing is some information about the experiment and pictures.Hope your enjoy knowing what happens when mixing Baking Soda and Vinegar together.
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
Thursday, 2 July 2015
Tamaki Primary Corrugated Art.
This is my idea for my corrugated art because I think it shows all the things we learn't through out the pass 2 terms. |
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
Xtramath, Maths, T2 W9
Xtramath Challenge
WALT:Try and move up our levels by knowing our addition.
Above is my score from Xtramath I am so happy because from my score I can see that I am improving my addition skills.And when I finish knowing all my addition I can move up to my subtraction, multiplication, division, etc..
I am very excited that I am getting better at maths.
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
Tuakana Tein - Khorus, Quitah, Kikorangi, Lexus.
Tuakana Teina
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Matariki - Quitah & Maopa.T2 W8
Matariki Task
W.A.L.T: Find out what matariki is?
Beware there is Maori text but english subtitle!!!
Above this text is a presentation about Matariki.It has 3 question that Maopa and I needed to find the answers to.And there is an image of the seven sisters and there name, and two images of matariki.
Click here for some pdf files of Matariki: Celebrating Matariki, Matariki .
Enjoy reading
By: Maopa & Quitah
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
Soccer Reflection, T2, W4
Soccer Reflection Above is a DLO ( Digital Learning Object ) It is just a little short Reflection about our Soccer Tournament that has been held on Tuesday 19th May 2015 Enjoy Reading & Looking At The Two Pictures. |
Wednesday, 13 May 2015
Comprehension - Compare & Contrast. T2 W3
Compare & Contrast
Robin Hood & Rainbow Crow
WALT: Compare and contrast the difference between 1 story and the 2 story.
This activity above is what Khorus, Viliamu, and myself has completed.What this is, is it is basically comparing the difference between and 1 story and the 2 story. These stories come underneath Myths and Legends. So 1 of the stories is a Myth and the other story is a Legend.,
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
Friday, 8 May 2015
Sign Language Week ( T2 W3 )
Did You Know It Is Sign Language Week?
WALT:Write down facts about sign language this week.
Hi there,
This drawing just explains a little bit of information & facts about what Sign Language is?
And is to inform people that because people are deaf it doesn't mean they are DUMB.
Looking At Friendship ( T2 W3 )
WALT: Compare the differences between Positive friendships & Negative Friendship
TIP: A real friend doesn't say " I'll be your friend if...."
Real friends will not push you to do things you know are wrong for you.
This is a comparison between Positive Friendships and Negative Friendships.
Ps:Leave a comment below on feedback and feedforward and comment the word ( Believe ) if you think this is true.
Tuesday, 5 May 2015
Problem 1: Maths
WALT: explain our maths thinking to solve a word problem.
S.C: I can...
Record my maths thinking in a specific order
Use mathematical language to answer math problems
For maths we had to do 3 problems above is my 1st problem.
What it is saying is that can Dr Martin weigh exactly 38g of pills.
Monday, 4 May 2015
Think Board Master. T2 W3
WALT: Explain the meaning/answer to our equation using different methods/strategies.
Kia Ora
This is my Think Board Master I have been working on during Maths time. I have been learning how to solve the equation by my-self and knowing some similar questions that ends up with the same answer.
One thing I learn't from this is obviously what 8 x 13 = so yeah.
Friday, 1 May 2015
Blog Commenting. T2 W2
W.A.L.T:Respond to texts onlines.
This blog post is...
Blogging positive comments on students blogs from our school ( Tamaki Primary School ) and from other school from the Tamaki Cluster such as Panmure Bridge, Point England.
Thursday, 30 April 2015
Acquaintance & Friend, ( T2 W2 )
W.A.L.T:Write down the basic of a friend & acquaintance.
This post is about....
Our class having to describe the characteristic of a Friend and Acquaintance.
This post is about....
Our class having to describe the characteristic of a Friend and Acquaintance.
Friday, 24 April 2015
Blog Commenting. ( W1 T2 )
Blog Commenting
W.A.L.T:Comment on a friends blog with positive feedforward and feedback.
Maopa and myself collaborated on this drawing together and what we decided to do was that we should post a positive comment towards our friends.
Maori Emotions. ( W1 T2 )
Maori Emotions W.A.L.T:Find some maori emotions using the maori language and add them in to this sentence " Kei Te Pehea Koe" For this task what our class had to do was we had to find different maori words that connect to the sentence Kei Te Pehea Koe. |
Anzac Blooms Taxonomy. ( W1 T2 )
Blooms Taxonomy, Gallipoli News
W.A.L.T: Use Blooms Taxonomy to Critically summarize a current event.
On the last slide there is a link that takes you to a Google Drawing and what that shows are just the Key Words.
It is just the same as other Blooms Taxonomy but this is based on a ANZAC article because it is the 100th Year of ANZAC.
Thursday, 23 April 2015
Definition Battle ( W1 T2 ).
Definition Battle W.A.L.T: Compare the differences between Myths & Legends. If you can not see the writing writing this is what it is explaining ( Myths ) Definition - Myths are a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. ( Legends ) Definition - Legends are a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but not authenticated. So basically what it is , is just comparing one another and knowing the meaning behind them. |
Anzac Poppy Flower (W1 T2.)
W.A.L.T:Fill in the blank spaces in the poppy flower with questions.
1. What are some of the roles involved in the World War 1, World War 2?
2.What would you describe soldiers who had fought for our lives?
3.What are some of the reasons of why men went to war?4.What are some of the countries War was held at?
And in the middle you can just add in a quote or something that Summarizes the whole entire ANZAC theme.
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
Measurement Mania W1 T2
Measurement Mania
Hello There,
This presentation above is what my group and I have completed as you can see it is called Measurement Mania.Our Walt is that ( W.A.L.T: measure using non - metric units ).The students in my group were Maopa, Khorus, and myself.One thing I enjoyed about this activity is that we all worked as a group.
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Bio Poem - T1 W10
W.A.L.T.. write a short explanation/paragraph about ourselves.But we have to state it like a Bio - Poem.
My bio - poem is basically basic but I tried to make it set look like a Year 8 standard.But one thing I can work on is trying to come up with new words and try be a new person.One thing I enjoyed about this activity is getting to know more about others including my friends
Manaakitanga - Caring for Others
W.A.L.T.. create and share our prior knowledge to others in a random act of kindness. For the past 2-3 days my group ( Christopher, Khorus, Sulaiman, Ajani ) have been working on the school values and elaborating on what they mean. One thing I enjoyed about this activity is getting to know and find out what they really and having the opportunity to announce what they mean the the younger children. |
Whanaungatanga - Building Relationships
W.A.L.T.. create and share our prior knowledge to others in a random act of kindness. For the past 2-3 days my group ( Christopher, Khorus, Sulaiman, Ajani ) have been working on the school values and elaborating on what they mean. One thing I enjoyed about this activity is getting to know and find out what they really and having the opportunity to announce what they mean the the younger children. |
Rangimarie - Peace.
W.A.L.T.. create and share our prior knowledge to others in a random act of kindness. For the past 2-3 days my group ( Christopher, Khorus, Sulaiman, Ajani ) have been working on the school values and elaborating on what they mean. One thing I enjoyed about this activity is getting to know and find out what they really and having the opportunity to announce what they mean the the younger children. |
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Family Patterns T1 W
W.A.L.T.. draw or create a google drawing showing your family in a creative way. Hi this is my way of showing my family, let me talk you through them.The 2 dolphins are my brothers (TWINS ) and the patterns in the inside are there close friends and other members.The stingray represents Me the 2 circles are my mum and dad, the Maori waves on the left are my siblings and the Maori waves on the right are my friends and the tail going down are my family who have passed on.The Maori Kiwi is representing my younger sister and the patterns in the inside of the kiwi are just the same as my brothers friends and family. And last but not least the 2 Maori ferns pointing left & right are my mum & dad. |
Thursday, 26 March 2015
Investigation Presentation - Bob Marley
Hi There,
Above my description is my Inquiry Investigation, who I did was the amazing Bob Marley ( Rasta Man )
I was abit nervous when I volunteered to stand and present. I was all over the place, I mean all over the place.One thing I enjoyed about this is getting to know bob marley even more and knowing that he is my one and only hero.
Friday, 20 March 2015
Maths Think Board T1 W8.
W.A.L.T..use different types of strategies to solve the answer.
The next task I have decided to do for maths was with my buddy Maopa, what we wanted to do was Think Board.This challenged me and my buddy to come up with new strategies to solve our maths questions faster.
Addition Triangle T1 W8.
W.A.L.T.. add numbers together to get our answer.
This morning for math I decided to do Addition Triangle.
What you do for this activity is you plus 2 numbers together and then you type/write down your answer.
E.g 5 + 6 = 11
Thursday, 19 March 2015
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
Pen Collector - Key Words ( DLO )
W.A.L.T create a DLO showing the Key Ideas of your article.
The DLO above is my Key Ideas from the article I have just recently posted.It just show the Key Words of the article I found interesting.
The Pen Collector - Blooms Taxonomy T1 W8
W.A.L.T: Use Bloom's Taxonomy to critically summarize a current event.
Today for Reading, we had Current Event as you may see above.
For this activity I decide to do The Pen Collector because it looked interesting for me to read.
The article is based on a man who collects pens ever since he was 5 years old and now he is 51 years old.And the presentation is practically based on the Bloom's Taxonomy.
Monday, 16 March 2015
Aroha's Typical Day
Aroha’s typical day
I usually get up at 6 o'clock and have a shower. Then, I go for an early morning jog in the park. After that, I have a big breakfast and I drive my car to work which usually takes me half an hour. I start work at 8am. I eat cheese and crackers at interval. I never have lunch. I finish work at 4 o'clock. I'm always tired when I get home. I usually cook a meal in the evening and then watch TV. I don’t usually go out at night. I go to bed at about 10:30. I always sleep well.
Yesterday was a typical day for Jenny. Write what she did or didn't do yesterday.
Highlight the verbs in the paragraph above.
Remember to change the verbs in to the past simple tense to answer the questions..
She woke up at 6 o'clock.
She went for an early morning jog.
She had a big breakfast.
She drove her car to work.
It took her half and hour to get to work.
She had started work at 8am.
She ate cheese and crackers at interval.
She never like to eat lunch.
She had finished work at 4 o’clock.
She was tired when she got home.
She ate a meal yesterday evening.
She was watching TV.
She didn’t go out last night.
It never went well last night.
Create task.
What did you do yesterday? Write a short paragraph. Highlight all the past tense verbs.
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
W.A.L.T: Use Blooms Taxonomy to critically summarize a current event.
As you can see above Ms Aireen & Whaea Petra organized a Blooms Taxonomy Current Event Presentation.For this we had to use critically thinking and summarize a Current Event.As you can see I choose You Eat What! as my article.
Blog Commenting T1 W7
As you may know the W.A.L.T is that we can respond to texts online.
Today for reading I have completed my Blog Commenting presentation.
For this activity we had to click on our cluster blogs & also our school blogs.
Today for reading I have completed my Blog Commenting presentation.
For this activity we had to click on our cluster blogs & also our school blogs.
Addition Pyramid T1 W7
W.A.L.T learn our basic fact knowledge to solve our problems. What we got told to do was that we had to plus 2 numbers to get to our next equation. Example: 5+6=11, 6+7=13 etc.... To complete this task you have to answer every equation. |
Monday, 9 March 2015
Quitah & Khorus - Idioms
This is Khorus and I presentation for Idioms.
For this task we got given some idioms and we have to try and find out what the idioms mean E.g. "Pay The Piper" which means you need to face the consequences of you actions.
Friday, 6 March 2015
Comprehension Task - Making Connections.
On the top is a presentation created by Ms Aireen.
The students who participated in this activity were Myself, Khorus, Maopa, Starr, Kraven.
In order for us to complete this task we all had a slide each and we read the book first than started gathering up information to take notes and put them into the slide.
Thursday, 5 March 2015
Quitah & Christopher's Word of the Week- Martyr
Hello Christopher & I also made another google drawing about another word of the week. As you may also know, above is our word we study on. |
Quitah & Christopher's WORD OF THE WEEK- Heroism
Hi There, Christopher and I have done a google drawing for our vocabulary word of the week. As you can see above the word is Heroism. |
Monday, 2 March 2015
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Mrs Infinity Blue
This is MY Hero I have created. Her name Mrs Infinity Blue |
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
Blog Commenting T1 W4
Hi this is Christopher, Kraven, and I. This is our blog commenting presentation about fabulous people publishing outstanding work around the world. We have published positive comments to go with their work we all thought deeply about their work, we thought about our outstanding feedback and feedforward
Friday, 13 February 2015
Heroes Title Page
As you can see this is my heroes title page.
Kia Manawanui Characteristic Tree
Hello There.
This is my tree that describes me in a positive way.
For this activity we had to describe ourselves in a positive way.
We had to type 15 things to describe ourselves.
Superhero Vs Real Life Hero
Hi Guys
This is my Definition Battle, the battle is between Superheros & Real Life Heroes.
As you may know we had to find the definition for Superheros & Real Life Heros and then we had to find a picture to go with it.
Thursday, 29 January 2015
My Whanau Metaphor T1 W1 2015
This is a new site for me to use and it comes in handy.
Saturday, 10 January 2015
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